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Node Js

Video Language:- Gujarati
Node Js

Day: 1

Node Js Introduction and How Node Js Works

Day: 2

How to Install Node.js on Mac and Set Up VS Code Editor

Day: 3

How to Install Node.js on Windows

Day: 4

How to Create a Node js File and Run the Code

Day: 5

Basic Node js Concepts Same as JavaScript | Variables, Loops, If Statements, Arrays, Objects

Day: 6

Export and Require in Node js | Import and Export Modules Explained

Day: 7

Module Export Example and Solution in Node

Day: 8

What is a Core Module in Node js | Node js Core Modules Explained

Day: 9

All About the package JSON File in Node js | Complete Guide

Day: 10

Understanding the node_modules Folder & How to Use Nodemon in Node.js

Day: 11

Understanding Sync Blocking vs Async Non-Blocking Programming in Node js | With Examples

Day: 12

How to Handle Async Data Using Promises in Node

Day: 13

How Node js Works | Understanding the Architecture of Node

Day: 14

File Handling in Node.js | CRUD Operations Using Sync and Async Methods

Day: 15

Input from Command Line in Node.js & How to Create a File in a Directory | Step-by-Step Guide

Day: 16

Create Multiple Files in a Directory & Read Multiple Files from a Directory in Node.js

Intermidiate Concepts

Day: 17

What is Express.js & How to Create Basic Routing in Node

Day: 18

How to Load HTML Pages from a URL & Create a 404 Page in Express

Day: 19

How to Create Dynamic Web Pages Using EJS & Pass Values and Arrays to Templates

Day: 20

How to Use CSS and Images in Express.js & Build a Fully Functional Website with Bootstrap

Day: 21

How to Create a Student Result Page with Fixed Values Using HTML and Express.js

Day: 22

What is Request Parameter & How to Access Query String in Express

Advance Concepts

Day: 23

What is Middleware & Types | Understand Middleware in Express.js with Examples

Day: 24

Route level middleware - Single and Group & create a seprate file for the middleware

Day: 25

Introduction to MongoDB & How to Install MongoDB and MongoDB Compass on Mac

Day: 26

How to Install MongoDB on Windows – Step-by-Step Guide

Day: 27

MongoDB Compass Basics | How to Create Database, Collection, and Documents

Day: 28

CRUD Operations Using MongoDB Compass & Mongoose Command Line

Day: 29

How to Connect Node.js to MongoDB Using MongoDB Package & MongoClient

Day: 30

What is a Promise in Node.js | Handling Promises with Async/Await & Then | Creating a Separate Connection File

Day: 31

Insert Data into MongoDB Using Node.js

Day: 32

Update Data in MongoDB Using Node.js

Day: 33

Delete Data in MongoDB Using Node

API & MongoDb

Day: 34

What is an API? Understanding the Concept with Examples & Types of APIs (GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE)

Day: 35

Create a Basic GET API Using Express and MongoDB

Day: 36

Create a Basic POST API Using MongoDB and Express

Day: 37

Create a Basic PUT API Using Express and MongoDB to Update Data

Day: 38

Create a Basic DELETE API Using Express and MongoDB

Day: 39

MongoDB Search API Using GET and POST with Regex

Day: 40

Image Upload Using Multer and Inserting Data into MongoDB

Day: 41

Node js and MongoDB Sample Employee Management Project Explanation Project Part 1

Day: 42

Node.js and MongoDB - Sample Employee Management Project - GET API(Project Part 2)

Day: 43

Node js and MongoDB Sample Employee Management Project POST API Project Part 3

Day: 44

Node js and MongoDB Sample Employee Management Project DELETE API Project Part 4

Day: 45

Node js and MongoDB Sample Employee Management Project PATCH API Project Part 5

Day: 46

Node js and MongoDB Sample Employee Management Project Search API Project Part 6

Day: 47

OS Module in Node

Day: 48

Events and EventEmitter in Node

Day: 49

Maintain API Logs in Node js Using Events and EventEmitter


Day: 50

Introduction to MySQL and Installing WAMPServer on Windows & MAMP on Mac

Day: 51

How to Create Database and Tables in MySQL Using phpMyAdmin

Day: 52

Connect MySQL and Node

Day: 53

How to Create a GET API in MySQL and Node

Day: 54

How to Create a POST API in MySQL and Node

Day: 55

How to Create a PUT API in MySQL and Node js

Day: 56

How to Create a DELETE API in MySQL and Node.js

Company Level Topics

Day: 57

What is REPL in Node.js

Day: 58

What are the HTTP Headers in Request and Response in Node.js

Day: 59

HTTP Status Codes in Node.js

Day: 60

What is Mongoose and How to Connect MongoDB Using Mongoose

Day: 61

Create a POST API Using Mongoose Schema and Model in Node.js

Day: 62

Create a GET API Using Model and Mongoose in Node js

Day: 63

Create a DELETE API Using Model and Mongoose in Node.js

Day: 64

Create a PUT API Using Model and Mongoose in Node.js

Day: 65

Create a GET API for a Single Record Using Model and Mongoose in Node js

Day: 66

MVC Pattern Project Part-1 (Create Model and Connection File with Dotenv Module)

Day: 67

MVC Pattern Project Part-2 (Create Routes)

Day: 68

MVC Pattern Project Part-3 (Create Controllers)

Day: 69

Create a New Product Module in MVC Structur

Day: 70

Create Views Using EJS and Dynamically Load User Data

Day: 71

Create a User Register API with bcrypt Using Node.js

Day: 72

Create a User Login API in Node.js

Day: 73

Add JWT Token to a Login API in Node.js

Day: 74

Create MyProfile API with JWT Token Usi Middleware in Node.js

Extra Topics

Day: 75

Build Your Own Web Scraper with Node.js & Puppeteer | Full API Guide (Hindi)

Day: 76

Part 1 Introduction to AI Chatbots and Setting Up Dialogflow for Free - In Hindi

Day: 77

Part 2 Building a Node js Backend for Dialogflow Chatbots - In Hindi

Day: 78

Part 3 Creating a Chatbot Frontend with HTML and JavaScript - In Hindi

Day: 79

Razorpay Payment Integration in React JS & Node JS 2024 | Complete Guide in Hindi

Day: 80

How to Send Email Using Gmail SMTP and Node.js with Nodemailer - 2024 (In Hindi)

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