React.JS Training Schedule
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The course provides a structured path to enhance your React.js skills, covering fundamental concepts and advanced techniques, making you a proficient developer.
With React.js being in high demand, certification makes you stand out in the job market, increasing your chances of landing opportunities and signaling your competence to employers.
The course ensures you stay updated with the latest React.js trends, keeping your skills relevant and adaptable in the ever-evolving web development landscape.
React.JS Course Syllabus
Advantages of React Js
Introduction of npm and Node js
Install React Js project
What is Babel
External CSS
Internal CSS
Inline CSS
Use State
Use Effect
Use Param
Use Context
Use CallBack
Use Ref
Use Memo
Use Custom
Use Navigate
Styling in Form
Form Validation
Installing Third Party Package
Working with Router
Sending Data to Other page
API calling with Axios packages
Working With Postman
Types of API
Working with JSON Server
Introduction of axios
Complex API
Working with Local Storage
Installing Redux
UseSelectore Hook
UseDispatch Hoo
Material UI with react js
Material Icon with React js
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