C and C++ Training Schedule
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C and C++ are foundational programming languages used in the development of system software, embedded systems, and various applications. A certification course provides a comprehensive understanding of these languages, imparting crucial programming concepts such as variables, data types, control structures, and functions. This solid foundation is invaluable for anyone aspiring to become a proficient software developer.
C and C++ are known for their efficiency and performance, making them essential for tasks that require close control over hardware and resources. By enrolling in a certification course, you gain the skills to write high-performance code and understand memory management, pointers, and low-level operations. This knowledge is particularly beneficial when working on projects that demand optimization and resource efficiency.
Many industries value developers with expertise in C and C++, especially in areas such as systems programming, game development, and embedded systems. Completing a certification course not only validates your proficiency but also enhances your resume, making you a competitive candidate in job markets where C and C++ skills are in demand. Certification serves as a tangible proof of your abilities, increasing your chances of securing relevant positions.
C and C++ Course Syllabus
Introduction of programming language
Why c?
What is Compiler and Binary language?
CodeBlock IDE installation
Compiler Installation
Create First Program in C
Run Program
Understand C Program Structure
Print data using Printf statement
Single line and multi line comments
Data type and variables
User Input
Arithmetic Operator
Basic Calculations
If condition
Relational operators
If..Else if
Relational Operators
Switch Case
Introduction of Loop
While Loop
Do...While Loop
For Loop
Nested Loop
Pattern Programs
Break and continue keyword
Introduction of array
Loop through array using index
What is strings?
String input and output
Gets and Puts
String Functions
Number functions
What is Pointer?
Goto Statement
Type Casting
Type casting types
What is Functions?
Advantage of functions
Function as a parameter
Functions with return value
Introduction of File handling
Open and close file
Insert data to file
Read data from file
What is Oops?
Advantages of Oops
What is C++?
Basic C++ program structure
User input and output
Data types in c++
What is Class and objects
Public and Private Access Specifier
Member functions
What is Code Reuseability?
What is Encapsulation?
What is Constructor?
What is Destructor?
Use of Constructor and Destructor
What is Inheritance?
Types of inheritance
Advantage of inheritance
Private, Public and Protected
Overloading - Compile Time
Overriding - Run Time
Virtual Functions
Abstract Class
Final (Const)
Static, this keyword
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